Game 4 - Baldur 2 vs. Wurmwood (steamroller)
I went to a steamroller tournament at Crazy Squirrel game store on sat. 10 people signed up to play which is awesome for us. Lately it's been like 6-8 people. Some new players joined us as well. Always great to have more people.
We played 3 rounds. For my list pair I took the same baldur 2 list I've been running and a kaya 3 list I threw together the night before. I speed painted kaya 3 to get her somewhat painted because I was trying to "play it painted" for the tournament. She has alot of detail and highlighting to do but good enough for the tournament.
Thanks to Albert for hosting his last event as a PG. Also props to him, the software link was removed and he had to do all the scoring by hand.
Steamroller game 1 - Baldur 2 vs Wurmwood
My first game was against Adam, who had decided by a coin flip to play circle today. His lists were:
Going into the match I though he was going to play wurmwood even tho I felt kromac would have been a better drop so I dropped Baldur 2. He in fact did drop wurmwood.
The scenario was outlast.
I went first and deployed centrally. There was a forest on the other side touching one of the zones and I figured he would be putting wurmwood there. I counter deployed by dropping woldwrath on the right-center to threaten the tree. I also wanted him to be able to contest the right zone but remain a threat to the table. The rest of my army deployed on woldwrath's left.
Adam did the opposite. He put wurmwood on the opposite side of wrath and pu ft the rest of his army pretty centrally. Because wurmwood has AD it's usually best to deploy him far to a side so the rest of your army can move up before wurmwood activates. With cassius he is extremely mobile.
Turn 1 - Baldur
Everything ran forward. Woldwrath and sentry stones created a wall for baldur and crew. Baldur advances and puts roots of the earth on the 2 sentry stones and woldwrath. Woldwyrds move to the flanks.
Turn 1 - Wurmwood
Adam basically ran everything forward. Reeves were central so he could start putting blessed 10 man CRA's into woldwrath. Loki moved into stones to try and increased threat. But against baldur most of my stuff cannot be moved.. so I wasn't worried about him. Wurmwood moves aggressively to feat and try and keep me out of the zones.
Turn 2 - Baldur
I see that Cassius is in range of megalith trampling forward and boosting a crevasse to try and remove him early. But while I'm measuring it out I realize I can get fists on wurmwood instead. So I do just that. Wurmwood is camping 0 and has 1 soul. Def 5 arm 19 vs megalith's 4 pow 17 attacks. Dice off 2 on average dice does 20 damage killing wurmwood. Unfortunately I roll below and leave him on a few boxes. I check woldwrath next and he is barely in range as well. Sentry stones move out of the way and woldwrath moves in and one punches the tree.
Adam forgot about trampling thru the woods and natural pathfinder on wolds. Baldur has a good game into wurmwood because alot of the trees tricks are negated by roots of the earth. Wurmwood also relies on curse of Shadows to take out high arm, but woldwrath is immune to enemy spells.
We had a bit of list chicken her and i won. I thought Adam's best bet was kromac 2 into either of my lists. Big Mac at least had a fair chance in both matchups. We need to play the kromac v baldur game one day to test that out.
Adam said he thought I was going to drop kaya 3 so he dropped wurmwood because of all the guns in my kaya list.
On to round 2...
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