Game 3 - Krueger 2 vs. Wurmwood
The circle mirror. What a mess...all I have to say about that.
Same table just switched sides. We rolled the pit for scenario. The more I play this scenario the more I dislike it. It always plays out the same.. who can camp their own flag while contesting the opponents.
So I wanted to try my other list I was considering as a pair for the upcoming steamroller. Trying to "branch out" and not play wurmwood all the time I go back to an old favorite, krueger 2. Adam drops his wurmwood list. I've never played into the tree before and let me tell you it sucks being on this side. I kinda feel sorry for all the people that I've dropped him into.. only kinda tho. His ability to control the battle is pretty amazing.
Preface: there are alot of moving parts between these two lists and alot of them have the same name, mistakes will be made in this report.
The lists:
Krueger 2
-Woldwyrd x2
Sentry stones x2
Shifting stones x2
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gobber chef
-Woldwyrd x2 (proxied by 2 wild argus.. argi.. arguses??)
Reeves w/ CA
Shifting stones x2
Sentry stones x2
Bellows crew
Unfortunately I chose the wrong side and gave Adam a Bunker to sit in to camp his flag and be shielded by a house on one side and a forest on the other.
The picture may be a little inconsistent because I didn't think I would be able to play out the whole game.
Wurmwood turn 1
The tree moves up to the flag and creates a Bunker with wild growth and a sentry stone. This forms a solid wall combined with the house and the natural forest. Everything else moves up. Loki moves behind wurmwood and inside a set of shifting stones. Megalith moves up center and also in a set of stones. Reeves are forced by the house to deploy to the far left and mostly outside of wurmwood's command. This is great for me because it will limit his soul collection. Sentry stone moves up that side as well and those pesky manikins are already bugging me.
Krueger turn 1
I seem to have trouble threatening my opponents flag when I play this scenario so I deploy loki, woldwyrd, and a unit of Sentry and shifting stones on the far right to do just that.
The hill on the right looks like a great point for loki to hang out on with shifting stones around him to block pulls and create threat. Sentry moves up beside him and the wyrd nestled in there as well. Chef runs up behind the wall.
Krueger tks himself and walks toward the flag casting windstorm and trying to stay out of manikin sprays. Everyone else moves up around him and megalith tramples forward and throws out a lightning storm in a hope to scatter toward the reeves and leave a hazard in their way.
Wurmwood turn 2
The first thing Adam said made me realize I made a grave mistake. "Do I have loki kill loki ?" Mannikins and his woldwyrd clear out my manikins and kill off the stone that was blocking the drag lane. Cassius moves up to be the arc node.
Wurmwood activates and cast curse of Shadows on loki and pulls cassius back to his side. Loki is ported forward by the stones and then he drags in loki. He misses a few attacks and leaves loki with 2 aspects intact. Megalith is ported forward as well I beleive, he may have walked. Boosts a stranglehold at loki needing an 11 and gets it. Then boosts damage and just destroys him. Ouch! What a roll!
Reeves move forward and learn about windstorm.
I think they take some shots at manikins and maybe a stone. Either way they don't do much. Adam should of used their mini feat this turn but I think he was counting on me using manikin sprays on them which ignore cover anyway..
Krueger turn 2
We'll I gave up loki for free with no way to retaliate. I try to see if I can get to cassius in the same way I got alten but come up short. So instead I try to go for lanyssa. I was able to remove her and put enough damage on his wyrd to cripple 2 aspects.
Megalith moves up to toe the zone and puts a lightning storm into the Reeves killing a couple. The pureblood and Mannikins spray down his sentry stone and some more reeves. Wyrd moves and shoots 1 or 2 as well. Krueger moves up to completely within 2" of his flag and shoots a couple more reeves and feats pushing everyone back. Except cassius and wurmwood. He tks himself back to the flag and puts up windstorm.
We both go to 1.
Wurmwood turn 3
He starts by moving his wyrd into within 5" of krueger thinking windstorm was an upkeep. After reminding him it wasn't I offered to let him redo the move and target something else. He let it stay and took a few shots at krueger. After all 3 shots krueger had only taken a couple points of damage. His reeves run in to contest my flag. Megalith moves up and strangleholds my megalith. Rolling hot again for damage btw. Bellows crew moved into the middle and put a cloud on megalith.
The stoneshaper tries to repair the wyrd but rolls low and only brings one aspect back online. The wyrd takes some shots at my wyrd and puts a little damage on it. Cassius cuts down the chef. Loki drags in the wyrd and finishes it off. Wurmwood strangleholds the sentry stone and couple times and removes it. He then feats because he feels there isn't going to be a better time. His feat barely covers his own megalith.
Wurmwood goes to 2 points. Krueger stays at 1.
Krueger turn 3
At this point I knew the game was over. I was going to loose on scenario unless I could find a way to start dominating the zone. First thing was killing his megalith. Unfortunately mine was strangleheld.. Gorax kills off one shifting stone opening hole to get to megalith. A Manikin sprays some reeves and kills the officer and 1 grunt.
Pureblood assaults the woldwyrd and kills it easily. I think I can get the megaliths to hug but it requires a decent roll on gallows. I also will be forced to leave my flag and fall further behind in scenario. Krueger moves up and casts telekinesis at woldwrath needing a 5 and misses... I try again and it works. Spin him around move him closer. Then casts Gallows and pull him a bit closer. The woldwyrd takes some shots into megalith and doesn't really do anything. Megalith activates and tks himself close enough. Some sad damage rolls later megalith is still alive.
The turn ends and wurmwood goes to 3 and krueger stays at 1..
At this point I concede but let Adam play out his next turn just for practice. There is no way I can get to his flag to contest and I'm to far behind to catch up.
Wurmwood turn 4
Megalith strangleholds the pureblood and punches my megalith. This is an awesome control tactic because megalith has an ability on his melee weapons called weight of stone. This drops the targets defense and speed by 3..
Gorax is shot off the hill. Cassius runs up to arc and wurmwood does stuff. I checked out at this point.. sorry Adam. Loki comes up and drags in my megalith killing him.
This is definently a rough match. Giving up loki so easily was a huge mistake. I would definitely like a rematch on this one, but on another scenario.. the pit is one of wurmwood's best. Even tho I play wurmwood, it was really hard to remember all of his threat ranges and ability to control the board.
Steamroller on the 18th.. might just play wurmwood after this game.. depends if I can get that list painted. I really enjoyed playing with a fully painted army. Hope you enjoyed it.
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