Game 26 - Kromac 2 vs Fyanna 2

Casual game against my friend Ralph. He was running Fyanna in Oracle's and I wanted to test out a Kromac 2 list in Devourer's host I came up with. 

My list was: 
Circle Orboros - Kromac 2 - dhost
Theme: The Devourer's Host
2 / 2 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army
Kromac, Champion of the Wurm - WB: +28
-    Warpwolf Stalker - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19)
-    Ghetorix - PC: 21 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
-    Gorax Rager - PC: 7
Tharn Ravager Shaman - PC: 0
Tharn Ravager Shaman - PC: 0
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - PC: 4
Bloodweaver Night Witch - PC: 4
Bloodweaver Night Witch - PC: 4
Tharn Ravagers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 16
-    Tharn Ravager Chieftain - PC: 5
Tharn Ravagers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 16
-    Tharn Ravager Chieftain - PC: 5
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - Leader & 1 Grunt: 2

His list was: 
Legion of Everblight - Fyanna
Theme: Oracles of Annihilation
2 / 2 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army
Fyanna, Torment of Everblight - WB: +28
-    Succubus - PC: 4
-    Angelius - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 17)
-    Angelius - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11)
-    Neraph - PC: 12
-    Seraph - PC: 14
-    Harrier - PC: 3
Blighted Nyss Shepherd - PC: 1
Blighted Nyss Shepherd - PC: 1
The Forsaken - PC: 4
Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion - PC: 0
Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion - PC: 0
Blackfrost Shard - Sevryn, Rhylyss & Vysarr: 9
Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15
-    Bayal, Hound of Everblight - PC: 6

Golab is a proxy for the seraph. (I think, I may have mixed up the neraph and seraph in this report)

We decided to test out the new scenario Mirage. 

I won the roll and opted to go first. Ralph picked the side of the table he was ready standing at cause reasons. 

I don't remember what we choose for objectives but they didn't come into play. This would have been a great opportunity to actually choose pathfinder to give to Ghetorix tho. 

There was a nice central forest that would heavily benefit my ravagers. Plus a wall for Kromac. I deployed pretty symmetrically with no real plan go in in besides to run and try and set up the line of engagement on his half of the table allowing for easier flag control. 

Ralph set up pretty centrally as well as you can see in the pick. There were no real benefits to either the rubble of the hill. I didn't bring any guns. 

Turn 1 - Circle 
Kromac puts awakened spirit on the stalker and vengeance on Ghetorix. He casts spiny growth and charges behind the wall. Ravagers run up on each side being mindful of charges, guns, and the hex hunter bolts. In hindsight I forgot to put out the sacrificial vengeance trigger pieces which I normally do.. But oh well. 
Shamans put up Hunter's Grace. Night Witches run to flanks for flag shenanigans and the rest run up behind. 

Turn 1 - Legion
Fyanna put admonition on an Angelius and Fury on the Hex Hunters. She moved into the rubble. Everything else positioned to counter punch and threaten the flags. He was careful to keep the hex hunters out of threat of my infantry mulching Ravagers.

Turn 2 - Circle 
I couldn't reach his models but would definently be able to push the line of engagement to his half of the table as long as some of my ravagers survived. I ran both units forward and layered them to block charge lanes and spaced enough to prevent large group killings from heavies. I made sure to put 2 from each unit into his front lines. With their 2 inch reach they have to be delt with in order to get past into the rest of the unit. Ghetto shuffled left to open up charge lanes thru the rough terrain and the stalker positioned centrally warping prowl. Bellows crew gave him a cloud. Kromac moved to the end of the wall and put up spiny growth. I didn't put a solo on the central flag because it was going to be contested next turn regardless and I did not want to lose a solo prematurely. I put my Night Witch on my flag. 

Turn 2 - Legion
His goal going in was to clear his flag and the central flag. Plus he needed to clear his zone and contest mine. Fyanna attempted to kill a ravager and between bad dice and tough he nearly emptied her stack. He feated this turn of course. The Angelius killed the other ravager jamming up the hex hunters. This part gets a little confusing and I forgot to take a picture to help. But basically the Neraph came into the flag to try and clear it. The Hellions failed to kill anything with their sprays. The Angelius with admonition came to his zone to help. The Hunters charged forward and killed more ravagers. The white unit was left with the chieftain and one grunt still alive while the painted unit only lost 2 grunts. We each scored our own flags and I scored my zone because he wasn't able to get a Hex Hunter into it. 

SCORE 2-1 Circle

Turn 3 - Circle 

Game plan is to kill what I can and push scenario. His feat is nice but carnage goes a mile to help.
I miss basically all my vengeance attacks a couple Hex Hunters dodge into my zone. 
Kromac has to go first because I need carnage. Something to remember for future games is keeping lanes open for him to do work and go first but not leaving him open to being charged. Need to remember to use support to screen him or terrain and the likes. 

Kromac feats and charges the Neraph. He kills the beast easily and sprints back to his wall. 
The "white" ravagers attempt to kill hex hunters and fail.  So I send in the night witch. Boost to hit, 3 damage. Kill, heal 1.. Boost to hit on the second, 3 damage. She dies. She lives and dies by the dice gods. Ghetorix has to go up and kill the Hex Hunter to clear my zone again. He does easily and puts up spiny growth. I was hoping to get the stalker onto his Angelius but with dodge and admoniton it wasn't going to happen. I needed to move models in his way which would trigger admonition. So he went in and killed Bayal and sprinted away to block the Angelius from charging Kromac. Gorax runs up to shield him as well. Gobbers put their cloud on Ghetto. The right unit of ravagers charge in on the objective and the couple shepherds over there. With some corpse tokens they boost hits and kill the shepherds and some damage on the objective. Lanyssa moves up and the night witch camps the flag. I pass turn. I score my flag and my zone.  He scores his flag. 

SCORE 4-2 Circle 

Turn 3 - Legion

He upkeeps fury on the remaining hex hunters. They kill the "white" ravagers. The black frost shard manage to hit Ghetorix with 2 ice cages and a kiss. Fyanna swaps fury over to the Angelius in position to charge Ghetto. The Angelius charges Ghetto. His dice leave him and he fails to kill Ghetorix.  Spiny growth deals decent damage back to him. He tries to clear out the ravagers from his zone with the Harrier, Hellion, and eventually the Angelius goes in as well. With poor dice and tough checks he leaves 2 alive. The Chieftain and a grunt. He is unable to contest my flag but scores his own flag. He scores 1 and I score 1. 

SCORE 5 - 3

Turn 4 - Circle 

Plan was to take scenario this turn. I was in position to score 4 points which would give me the win. 
I didn't have a way to get to his flag because of the position of my models and the order of activations required. So I needed 4 because he was going to score his flag again. 
Gobbers run out of the way keeping inside the zone. 
Shaman charges the hex hunters and gets the kill but misses the chain lighting. Ghetorix moves over and kills the remaining Hex Hunters. Kromac charges the Angelius that was on Ghetto.  Kills him and sprints back. Now I need to kill the objective and score the 2 flags on my half. The ravagers combined with the shaman roll hot on the objective and kill it to the die I think. Gorax primals stalker and charges the Harrier killing it. Stalker charges and kills the Neraph and sprints to engage the Angelius. I end turn and score 4. He scores 1. 
SCORE 9-4 Circle Wins!

Post game thoughts:
Carnage was a big deal in this match up. I really liked having a reliable screen for Kromac and his beasts. Kromac and Stalker were able to charge in and sprint away with a decent place to hide from retaliation and not having to rely on terrain as much. This definently doesn't max out the feat but is more flexible.  Looking forward to trying this some more. Might switch it up a little to fit a 3rd heavy in and have more beef. The 2 units of Ravagers are hard to deal with without decent guns to shoot them down. No knock down tough is still amazing. Kromac 2 is still a beef cake and loved putting him on the table again. 


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