Game 23 - Bradigus vs. Issyria (SR)
Hello again, been awhile since my last report. I had taken a short break from circle for a bit to mess around with some mercs, playing Thexus, Magnus 2, and Ashlynn. They are 3 amazing casters, but circle is my Faction. Love everything about it, so I'm back.
Had a small local SR this past weekend. Going into the event a buddy of mine and I gave each other 4 casters to pick from for the tourney. Our own mini Champions style play I guess. He gave me Morvhana 2, Mohsar, Tanith, and Kaya 1. I was planning to run Mohsar in Bones and wanted to try out Tanith in Dev Host. I have been having trouble building Tanith list I like so wanted to try something different with her.
Well my buddy ended up not being able to go last minute and so I switched up for the Tourney.
Ended up with Mohsar in Devour Host and then decided to see what the Bradigus hype was all about. I have rarely put either of these casters on the table so it was going to be a great learning experience.
So lets get into it!
My lists where: Brad in Bones and I borrowed Erik Mack-Davis Mohsar List
We are using the new SR 2018 but rolling randomly didn't get any of the new scenarios..
Round 1 - Standoff
My opponent Danny brought Issyria in Forges of war sporting Double colossals and Kaelyssa in Defenders of Ios with double ticks.. how fun..
I decided to drop Brad. I dont think Tharn can deal with the 2 colossals and the big pie plate of RFP coming twice a turn would not be great either for them. His other list had too many guns as well for my liking.
He ended up dropping Issyria, he won the die and decided to go first. I picked the table side with the house and forest that woudl be great for Brad to hide behind if i shifted the engagement away from the left side.
His list was:
Arcanist x3
Game plan going in was to try and take the alpha and down one of the Colossals and ride out a scenario victory. There are so many ways to score on this scenario and he didn't have enough models to contest everything. I am always worried about the jank the Helios can do but with over half my models being immovable and shield guards all over I wasn't as worried but you still need to respect the threat.
Turn 1 - Retribution
Running of course. Issyria put inviolable resolve on phoenix and admonition on hemera. He also used ancillary attack from the Hyperion to tray and scatter into my AD line. It scattered left and missed.
Turn 1 - Circle
I advanced my wathcers up and forgot to stone form them.. I did use the free animus to give them Earth's Blessing. I wanted to use them as a screen to protect my Guardians as they advanced because they were the colossal killers. Trying to make it impossible to move my guardians around into threat ranges. Everything else moves up behind the lines.
Turn 2 - Retribution
Feat turn for Issyria. Issyria went first. She feated, and used ancillary attack to shoot the watcher on my right which clipped a couple stones. Luckily he didn't crit and did minimal damage to the watcher.
The phoenix moved over the wall and attempted a shot at the Sentry Stone. He left it on a few boxes. Helios then was able to declare a charge on my let watcher and did so. He then made an attempt to tractor beam my guardian. I shield guarded the first shot to the read wight. The second shot landed and he puller the guardian forward as far as possible. The stones and the watcher blocked him from mothing any farther and he was unable to reach the guardian.
Helios then punched the watcher to death and proceeded to take out the shifting stone.
Hemera took a shot at my wayfarer which I shield guarded to my Guardian. Hyperion then came in and killed both watchers on my right but was unable to reach anything else.
Turn 2 - Circle
My original plan was to take the left side but he had moved enough to the left that I wasn't going to be able to pull that off. I decided killing off the Hyperion and jamming up Helios was the way to go.
Sentry stones did there thing and without good targets jammed up Hemera and Phoenix.
One wight went into Hyperion. Minimal damage. Synergy 1. Second wight went into Helios. Minimal damage. Synergy 2. He put up distortion field on Helios the previous turn, so when the guardian charged in, I jammed him up into the house to prevent poltergeist. The guardian proceeded to remove over half of his boxes. Synergy 3. Wayfarer hits Hyperion with hunters mark. The Guardian charges Hyperion. Rolling above average He leaves Hyperion on 10 or so boxes. The warden charges in and finishes the job. Brad moves to the right into the forest and puts up Wild Growth to prevent movement shenanigans. Manikins on the right were blind from Issyria last turn so they charge Hemera hoping to start putting damage on him and do minimal damage. I score 1.
Scenario is withing grasp. Manikins kill the arcanist in the right zone. Bradigus moves forward to keep his beast in control. The wight and warden charge the objective. I end turn and score 4. Game over.
Had a small local SR this past weekend. Going into the event a buddy of mine and I gave each other 4 casters to pick from for the tourney. Our own mini Champions style play I guess. He gave me Morvhana 2, Mohsar, Tanith, and Kaya 1. I was planning to run Mohsar in Bones and wanted to try out Tanith in Dev Host. I have been having trouble building Tanith list I like so wanted to try something different with her.
Well my buddy ended up not being able to go last minute and so I switched up for the Tourney.
Ended up with Mohsar in Devour Host and then decided to see what the Bradigus hype was all about. I have rarely put either of these casters on the table so it was going to be a great learning experience.
So lets get into it!
My lists where: Brad in Bones and I borrowed Erik Mack-Davis Mohsar List
We are using the new SR 2018 but rolling randomly didn't get any of the new scenarios..
Round 1 - Standoff
My opponent Danny brought Issyria in Forges of war sporting Double colossals and Kaelyssa in Defenders of Ios with double ticks.. how fun..
I decided to drop Brad. I dont think Tharn can deal with the 2 colossals and the big pie plate of RFP coming twice a turn would not be great either for them. His other list had too many guns as well for my liking.
He ended up dropping Issyria, he won the die and decided to go first. I picked the table side with the house and forest that woudl be great for Brad to hide behind if i shifted the engagement away from the left side.
His list was:
Arcanist x3
Game plan going in was to try and take the alpha and down one of the Colossals and ride out a scenario victory. There are so many ways to score on this scenario and he didn't have enough models to contest everything. I am always worried about the jank the Helios can do but with over half my models being immovable and shield guards all over I wasn't as worried but you still need to respect the threat.
Turn 1 - Retribution
Running of course. Issyria put inviolable resolve on phoenix and admonition on hemera. He also used ancillary attack from the Hyperion to tray and scatter into my AD line. It scattered left and missed.
Turn 1 - Circle
I advanced my wathcers up and forgot to stone form them.. I did use the free animus to give them Earth's Blessing. I wanted to use them as a screen to protect my Guardians as they advanced because they were the colossal killers. Trying to make it impossible to move my guardians around into threat ranges. Everything else moves up behind the lines.
Turn 2 - Retribution
Feat turn for Issyria. Issyria went first. She feated, and used ancillary attack to shoot the watcher on my right which clipped a couple stones. Luckily he didn't crit and did minimal damage to the watcher.
The phoenix moved over the wall and attempted a shot at the Sentry Stone. He left it on a few boxes. Helios then was able to declare a charge on my let watcher and did so. He then made an attempt to tractor beam my guardian. I shield guarded the first shot to the read wight. The second shot landed and he puller the guardian forward as far as possible. The stones and the watcher blocked him from mothing any farther and he was unable to reach the guardian.
Helios then punched the watcher to death and proceeded to take out the shifting stone.
Hemera took a shot at my wayfarer which I shield guarded to my Guardian. Hyperion then came in and killed both watchers on my right but was unable to reach anything else.
Turn 2 - Circle
My original plan was to take the left side but he had moved enough to the left that I wasn't going to be able to pull that off. I decided killing off the Hyperion and jamming up Helios was the way to go.
Sentry stones did there thing and without good targets jammed up Hemera and Phoenix.
One wight went into Hyperion. Minimal damage. Synergy 1. Second wight went into Helios. Minimal damage. Synergy 2. He put up distortion field on Helios the previous turn, so when the guardian charged in, I jammed him up into the house to prevent poltergeist. The guardian proceeded to remove over half of his boxes. Synergy 3. Wayfarer hits Hyperion with hunters mark. The Guardian charges Hyperion. Rolling above average He leaves Hyperion on 10 or so boxes. The warden charges in and finishes the job. Brad moves to the right into the forest and puts up Wild Growth to prevent movement shenanigans. Manikins on the right were blind from Issyria last turn so they charge Hemera hoping to start putting damage on him and do minimal damage. I score 1.
Retribution - Turn 3
Hermera tramples forward to try and kill the wayfarer. He mises and repos deeper into my lines. But unfortunately for him it was out of the zone. Issyria moves behind the building to control both the circle and rectangular zone. She uses ancillary attack to have Helios attack the guardian. Directly after he said he ment to attack the wight to allow Helios to position around the Guardian and into potion to attack the shaper. The phoenix tramples over the manikins to kill the sentry stone. Helios kills the wight and the guardian. But leaves the shifting stone and shaper contesting the left circle. He scores his rectangular zone and I score mine.
Score 2-1 Circle
Scenario is withing grasp. Manikins kill the arcanist in the right zone. Bradigus moves forward to keep his beast in control. The wight and warden charge the objective. I end turn and score 4. Game over.
Score 6-1 Circle
Post Game Thoughts:
I felt advantaged going into this match because of synergy and the amount of immovable models I had. Colossal's have always been a struggle for me before playing Brad. Their boxes and armor has been too much to deal with. This was my first game with Brad at 75 and I think I'm in love.
He may be the piece of the puzzle I've been missing. The alpha threat ranged combined with the power to kill models at ease.. this has been struggle for my list pair as of late with Circle.
Looking forward to getting more games in with him.
As far as the list goes, I'm not sure the warden is necessary. I may switch him back to the guardian. I liked the idea of giving Bradigus access to Wild Growth and having a model to geomancy rift and battering ram.
Score 6-1 Circle
Next round in our Steam Roller will be into Khador. Old Witch 2 specifically.
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