Game 23 - Bradigus vs. Old Witch 2

Round 2 I was paired into Dustin.
 He brought a couple of witches to the tourney. Old Witch 1 in Jaws and Old Witch 2 in Wolves of Winter.
I decided that Brad was the way to go and I really wanted to test him some more. Tharn would have a tough time with jaws If he dropped that. Plus trying to pacman thru tough models is a bad idea.

My list for easy reference. 

Circle Orboros - Bradley Bones
Theme: The Bones of Orboros
3 / 3 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army

Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver - WB: +27
-    Wold Guardian - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16)
-    Wold Guardian - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11)
-    Woldwatcher - PC: 8
-    Woldwatcher - PC: 8
-    Woldwatcher - PC: 8
-    Wold Wight - PC: 5
-    Wold Wight - PC: 5
-    Woldwarden - PC: 14
Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 3
Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 0
Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 0
Blackclad Wayfarer - PC: 0
Swamp Gobber Chef - PC: 1
Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Shifting Stones - Leader & 2 Grunts: 3
Shifting Stones - Leader & 2 Grunts: 3
-    Stone Keeper - PC: 2

He ended up dropping OW2.
His list was:
Khador - WoW Old Witch 2
Theme: Wolves of Winter
2 / 2 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army
Zevanna Agha, The Fate Keeper - WJ: +27
-    Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator - PC: 4
-    Conquest - PC: 35 (Battlegroup Points Used: 27)
Fenris - PC: 9
-    Fenris (Continued)
Koldun Lord - PC: 4
Koldun Lord - PC: 0
Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Leader & 5 Grunts: 13
-    Greylord Escort - PC: 3
Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Leader & 5 Grunts: 13
-    Greylord Escort - PC: 0
Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Leader & 5 Grunts: 13
-    Greylord Escort - PC: 3
Kayazy Eliminators - Leader & Grunt: 5

Scenario was Spread the Net.

I won the die roll and chose to go first. I wanted to have the table presence against the AD reavers. 

I deployed pretty symmetrical with the plan to move up the middle and to the slight left of the central house. Sentry stones are great for scenario and spread them wide to contest flags and zones. 

He deployed pretty central as well with the Conquest on my left to be able to contest and score zones.

My goal going in was to alpha and kill as many reavers as possible. Shooting them was out of the question with Windstorm and the Koldun Lords denying ranged attacks.

Turn 1 - Circle

I ran everything up. I was careful to measure out 13" from the reavers because one of the Theme bonuses he had granted mirage to a unit each turn. This is scary with Reavers. 
Being rusty and all I forgot to roll fury for my sentry stones....

Turn 1 - Khador

He ran the Reavers up but kept out of range of the watchers guns. Accounting for windstorm and their walking range. OW2 moved up centrally and cast windstorm. The Conquest moved up and put down two creeping barrages. 

Turn 2 - Circle

Because I couldn't really shoot the Reavers outside of manikin sprays I decide it was feat turn. 
Right sentry stone unit managed to roll a 5 earning 3 fury. The stickmen started spraying. I was able to kill off 2 and the UA. Tough checks prevented more from dying. 
The left unit only rolled 1 or 2 fury and wasnt able to kill the UA but did kill 1 or 2 reavers. Chef ran to the flag. 

Brad activates next and feats for +5. He upkept synergy of course and cast Earth's Blessing. 
One Wold watcher charges into the reavers killing one but fails to kill the UA. He decides to put up stone form over buying another attack.  I poorly decide to send in my warden to try and kill a few more targeting the UA. He kills the UA and 1-2 reavers. 

On the right I send in my Wight. He charges and then pop animus to light them all on fire. He kills off the UA tho! 

I forgot to mention the creeping barrage did 0 damage to my wolds when they moved thru. 
Everything else moved up into a counter position. This turn cost me alot of time. More practice is required but the time will cost me. As you can see in the clock I was down to 25 min and he still had 51... 
Fearing backwards 0 I wanted to leave the warden up to prevent the conquest from advancing much farther. Forcing him to have to commit to the warden. 

Turn 2 - Khador

Reavers on the left charge in and kill some Manikins and put some damage on my watcher and guardian. The rear group of reavers attack both the warden and the watcher. Conquest moves in and finishes them off.
OW2 moves forward, and thanks to Reienholdt, is able to shoot and blind both the guardian and watcher on my right. Fenris kills the wight and repos to control the flag. The remaining reavers run into contest my zone.
Khador scores 1 and I score 0.
Score  Khador 1 - Circle 0

Turn 3 - Circle

I thought I might have and chance at assassination this turn. I could teleport Brad up and be in melee range. Plus charging with the guardian and watcher on the right side. Old Witch was camping 4. But then I remembered the blind and that you can run/charge while blinded. Plus I was also concerned about the -4 mat.. Also a great time to note that we both completely forgot you could shake blind.. one of those moments you just space out..
Well that plan was out the window. Brad at full synergy on average could do 20 damage.. but he had the 4 focus. 

So the blind guys turtle forward.. I clear my left flag and the mannikins fail to kill the reaver in my rear zone. My guardian manages to charge the conquest at full synergy and takes out over half his boxes.
I think I score my flag and contest his.

Score Khador 1 - Circle 1

Turn 3 Khador 

Conquest kills my guardian. Fenris clears his flag and repos back to it. OW2 blinds my guardian and watcher again. My left sentry stone is removed and the reaver on the right misses his attack into the mannikins. He scores his zone and his flag. 

Score Khador 3 - Circle 1

Not to discredit my opponents victory. He spotted his win condition and took it!
But at this point my clock compared to his is so poor and without remembering I could shake blind I move to the strategy of contest and score as much as possible. We go back and forth like this until I clock myself on turn 7. We do end the game at Khador 11 cp and Circle 9.  
It was a great game I did feel advantaged but having never played into Old Witch 2 (or 3) yet, lack of experience and not remembering rules lost me the game.

Somewhere in the last few turns...

Final game state

I have been consistently impressed with the work the guardian can do when delivered. His damage output at full synergy and earth's power is definently something to be considered.
I'm not sure how I feel about the wights. The extra shield guard is nice as well as the easy synergy starter. But the extra time management of doing fire checks and damage was annoying to say the least. 
Overall really enjoying Brad. He has alot more game play than I imagined. The addition of earth's power and the additional shield guards, and the change to mystic wards have really brought him back to the table.

Motivated to paint Brad now...

On to round 3... Legion. 


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