Game 8 - Baldur 2 vs. Kromac 2 (Steamroller)

I know I know. Stop playing Baldur 2. Well I keep winning.. soo...

Game two of the tourney I get paired up against adam yet again. Looking at his sheet before the match I was pretty sure we were going to play this round. Our current score differed by 10 army points.

Game 8 - Baldur 2 vs Kromac 2

The scenario was incursion. This was one of the interesting tables. The left flag was in a trench. The center flag in a forest. And the right flag in water. There was also a forest pretty close to the trench flag and close enough that wurmwood could easily build a Fort there connecting it too the center forest. I thought Adam was going to go for that so i dropped baldur but he dropped kromac 2.

I won the roll and opted to go first, surprised? I love going first with this list. I really need to get up the table.  Adam chose sides and I deployed to the central/left wanting to take advantage of the trench and forest shields.
Going into the match it looked like sentry stones and Mannikins were going to give me the scenario advantage considering he didn't have any in his list and no real guns eother.  Each of my stones deployed to control/ contest the outside flags.

Adam deployed opposite of me looking to use the forest as protection from my guns.

Circle  (Baldur) turn 1

You guessed it. Pretty much everything ran. He has no guns put side of primal shock, and blackclad sprays/rock hammer. The pureblood has his spray but we both know the pureblood is critical in this match up because of his wrathbane animus so he won't be coming close until he has too. No Bunker needed this time. I spread out a little to increase my threat ranges. Stones ported toward flags. During my turn I realize woldwrath is actually going to be a liability with the forest in the middle of the table. Gargantuans and colossals can be seen thru forests so he was a charge target for Adam's warpwolfs.

Circle (Kromac) turn 1

Adam and I are very aware of each other's threat ranges and so he marks all of the possible angles I can get too and sets up his beast staging area behind the forest to block gunfire and outside of my charge range. Loki, blackclad, and stones flank slightly toward my left flag. Loki will not have many targets with roots preventing his drags.

Circle (Baldur) turn 2

I do the same and moved up to the edge of his threat ranges. I am able to move a Mannikin in a way that I can kill his blackclad. This was huge because it was the only way he had to increase threat ranges. Or so I thought...
I thought about feating this turn but didn't think he could get to me. Baldur puts a wall in front of woldwrath to block charges and roots him as well. Megalith roots himself also. Baldur camps 1 or 2  and passes turn with both stones threatening flags. The right stone was actually controlling the flag with Mannikins.

Circle (Kromac) turn 2

Adam sits in the tank for a min before he moves anything. I was pretty confident that he couldn't get to my beasts but I was wrong. By taking the right flag in forced Adam to come into me. Wrathbane goes up on the stalker, Ghetorix, and feral. At this point the game is decided. Adam forgets to verbally feat and moves onto moving his shifting stones before he realizes his mistake. He gives me the option to forgive and forget but tournament rules so I don't let it slide. Sorry adam.

I forgot gheto has overtake with kromac and he bounces off of a few Mannikins to make his way to megalith. Luckily for me he leaves megalith on a few boxes.  The stalker is able to draw LOS to my wyrd, he charges in and kills him. Loki and stones move up to the flag. The feral runs over to help defend the flag.
Adam's feat would have allowed ghetto to kill megs and given him the arm buff he needed to defend from the pillow fisted counter punch of my wolds.

I gain a control point from the right flag.

Circle (Baldur) turn 3

I think I can kill ghetto, feral, and the stalker this turn. Because of my theme combined with megs hyper regen he heals back his lost aspects and moves to engage the feral and ghetto. First he pops his animus which does minus 2 def to all three wolves.
He goes to work on either ghetto or feral. I don't quite remember. But stones port the Guardian over and between the two they roll hot and put down both wolves. All of my kills went to the last dice or more. If Adam had feated probably would have won the game.
Woldwrath charges the feral and misses hi charge I think but leaves him on a few boxes but knocked down. My 2nd wyrd moves, shoots and finishes the job.
Baldur moves as far back as possible and stands on a hill. He feats this turn and puts a wall up to further protect himself. I knew Adam was going to be desperate this turn and that means janky assassination attempts.

Woldwrath was able to control the flag as well so I go to 3 points.

Circle (Kromac) turn 3

Think tank. Think tank. Think tank. Adam explores all of his options. He ends up finishing off megalith with loki. Running the pureblood to contest the far right flag and charging kromac into woldwrath. With wrathbane up and his feat I was actually a little nervous that he might be able to kill woldwrath. He did not. He passes turn and I go to four. Warlocks cannot contest.

Circle (Baldur) turn 4

I look for a min to see if I can get any more party points. Decide it's not worth it and end my turn going to 5.

Adam and I both agreed that if he had feated he would have won. Not only would he have killed megalith but my counter punch would have been terrible. I also rolled well above average on my damage rolls this game.

Maybe next time adam and I won't have to face each other... maybe...

Earning the 5 control points was huge for my overall score. This puts me at 6 and second highest with the remaining 2-0 players. John managed to score 7 on game 1... who does that.
After finishing this game and watching the others finish we had a final 4. John(menoth), danny (retribution), Matt (Minions-farrow), and myself. I watched the end of Matt's game and really did not want to be paired against him... but as luck shall have it...


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