Game 10 - Krueger 2 vs. Vyros 2 (steamroller)
Round 4 finals of the steamroller. I'm paired against Danny. He is running hyperion and helios with support in both lists. Only real difference is the caster. One is lead by vyros 2 and the other is Assyria. I'm list locked into krueger 2 and he drops vyros 2.
His list I believe is:
vyros 2 (Theme for free solos)
-4 griffons
arcanists and support. Sylas is in there as well.
As a recap my list was:
Krueger 2
-Woldwyrd x2
Ogrun Bokur
Shifting x2
Sentry x2
Gallows grove
The scenario is recon. Most of the terrain is on the edges of the table except for 2 trenches right in the middle of the zone. I win the roll again and decide to go first. The table is actually pretty balanced and doesn't come into play much(unlike all of the previous tables... lol) Danny chooses the side with the hill for vyros to sit on.
I deploy with krueger central and the rest of my army is balanced around him. I have my stones spread thru my army to try and negate his ability to move me around with helios.
Danny deploys the only way you can with 2 colossals. Side by side with caster central and the griffons spread evenly among them. Support follows behind.
Game 10 - Krueger 2 vs. Vyros 2
Circle turn 1
Everything runs. I move as far forward as possible to try and control the board.
Retribution turn 1
Danny moves every thing forward as well, trying to claim some of the board. Synergy is up and started in play from the theme list benefit. He also casts deceleration.
Circle turn 2
I am able to get a Mannikin spray on vyros but he misses. The rest of my army durdles about as I try and premeasure all of the threats ranges. I felt like I did a pretty good job. But I was measuring Melee distance as well as ranged with the addition of krueger casting windstorm. I ended my turn and felt pretty confident. They only things I thought good get to me were fleeting griffons.
Retribution turn 2
Danny did some measuring and realized he could charge helios at one of my sentry stones and tractor beam in my feral. Being able to charge and tractor beam it stupid. I need to practice into that to learn how to position better against it. Another thing I learned is that I need to put Mannikins in a position to not be easy targets for synergy.
So to get it rolling he uses griffons to build synergy to 3 off of my manikins. Then helios charges in and moves my wolf in needing an 8 and rolls a hard 9.. then he moves megalith twice and gets him in range as well. Charge attack into the sentry kills it. Then at mat 9 pow 24 he smashes my feral and puts some hurt on megs. He tries to get an angle on megs with hyperion but the objective is in his way and cannot draw the line. He charges up but is only able to kill Mannikins. Vyros camps 2 and sits on a hill with deceleration and synergy up on himself.
No one scores.
Circle turn 3
With my feral out I loose access to primal. I'm not sure that loki and megalith can kill a colossal. Plus they are now on opposite sides of the table and it would be tough to get them both on the same one.
I do some math and think I can kill vyros instead. He is on a hill camping 2 but also has an upkeep to trigger purgation for my wyrds.
Vyros is on a hill and has deceleration up. This puts him at a 16/20 Statline.
The problem with my attempt is that I will be leaving krueger out in between the 2 colossals with no protection. It's all or nothing. Let's do some basic math.
The damage portion: 6 shots from wyrds. Dice off 8. Average on 3 dice is 10.5 so average rounding down is 2. 12 damage just from base shots. Then 4 of those shots are boosted adding an extra 3.5 per shot. Also rounding down would be an extra 12 damage. 24 damage on the lower end of average.
Vyros only has 18.. camping 2 adds 10 more. So I'm 4 damage short of low average killing vyros with just the wolds. Krueger is able to get 2 pow 12 shots in as well at dice off 8. Average is no damage but is able to boost one. So low average is 2. I just need 2 more damage. Megalith is able to cast Gallows at him for an additional pow 13 fully boosted. Dice off 7 is an additional 3 damage on a love average... low averages I kill vyros.
I fail to kill vyros. Krueger tks him off the hill and turns him around bring his def down to 12. He puts two shots into him and do 1 or 2 damage. The wolds only needed boosted 6s to hit and miss 2 shots. And bring him down to 6 health after power field. Megs goes and needs a 13 to kill. Does 1 or 2 damage as well.
I shake his hand.
It was a risky move to go all in like that. But the odds were in my favor. Take away. Just play better!!
It was a great tournament and I hope everyone had alot of fun.
FalconFive - Tim
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