Game 7 - Baldur 2 vs Markus "Siege" (Steamroller)

These next few bat reps are going to be a little brief. Mainly because I forgot to take pictures and have been running on little to no sleep lately.
Advice: don't have twins.

Last Saturday we had another 75 point steamroller at Crazy Squirrel Game Store. The community is on the rise and we had 14 players show up. Thankyou again Justin for volunteering to run the event. It was well done even tho I complained a bit about some of the terrain I did enjoy the challenge it brought to the table. There were a few tables where the terrain made the game extremely difficult and some (the finals table **wink wink) where it barely affected the game at all.

All in all it was a great event and am looking forward to the next one.

One thing I will note is that we had a large number of new players. Some of my observations may come across harsh but they are in no way a stab at the person. They are just observations to help either myself or my opponent next time we play.

This was a tournament and therefore tournament rules apply. Casual games are more relaxed and allow for more errors. In the tournament setting you need to be prepared to deal with strict rulings.
All in all my opponents understood this and we all had a great time. I learned alot from every game.

My 2 lists for the event were krueger 2 and baldur 2.

Game 1 - Baldur 2 vs Markus "Siege" Brisbane

My first game was against a new player, Scott. I believe this was his first tournament.  He pair was Siege and Stryker 3. Because i new nothing of either caster and I was more comfortable with baldur I dropped him but looking back krueger was definently the better option. Both of his lists could deal with armor fairly well.

I won the roll and chose to go first. He picked the side he was already standing on.  Scenario was The Pit which is quickly becoming one of my least liked scenarios.

Circle turn 1

I deployed with woldwrath ready to move up the center and used sentries, wold guardian and megs to shield baldur as he moved toward the flag. Roots on the usual targets, wrath, and sentries. Megs rooted himself.

Cygnar turn 1

Scott deployed with Siege in the middle by stormwall and the rest of his army was balanced on both sides. I noticed Siege was not going to be in a position to start scoring turn 2. Probably due to not knowing how the scenario plays out. Everything moved up and whatever was in range took shots at stones and Mannikins. Charger took a shot at megalith doing minimal damage. Only some Mannikins die.

Circle turn 2

Everyone moved up and wrath took a shot at Siege but misses. I move all my pieces up to create a Bunker for baldur to camp the flag. This should have been feat turn for me but I was in a Haley 2 mindset and just rooted woldwrath and put a wall up to block stormwall's charge. Camped 2 and passed turn.

Cygnar turn 2

This turn became very scary very fast for me.
Knowing that he has mage sight but not understanding how it works combined with a lack of understanding of what Siege does my baldur fort was not much of a Bunker at all.

Siege moved up and feated on most of my army. Apparently this clears out my wall and halves all my armor for their first attack... yikes! He also put up mage sight. Luckily for me Scott makes a few mistakes. He was a bit nervous. He forgot to allocate focus this turn and we learned from Justin that mage sight is Battlegroup only. 
Siege's gun btw is freaking awesome. He just places a 4"aoe and goes from there. He used it to kill off my blackclad and do some damage to stones and a woldwyrd. Stormwall charges into woldwrath and does 19 points of damage on the charge attack! But without the extra focus is unable to kill him.
Black 13th is flanking on my right and puts some damage on my woldwyrd hiding in the forest.
Scott learns the hard way that gun mages no longer ignore stealth when he tries to shoot my sentry stone. He also forgets to activate his charger. Stormclad is jammed up behind Siege and some terrain and is unable to get out in front of him. He passes turn and I go to 1 point.

Circle turn 3

With the fear of being assassinated at some point from all of the guns I decide to kill Siege. Mannikins clear out the lightning pod in the way and both wyrds take some shots at Siege who had cast mage sight triggering purgation. He was camping a couple and they fail to kill him. Woldwrath then moves around stormwall and punches him to finish the job.

I had the option to score more control points and continue to just camp the flag but first game jitters mixed with fear of assassination I decided to end it early.

One of the biggest obstacles with playing a newer player is the rules. I had to question him alot and double check some rules that didn't seem right to me. It takes up more time and I was trying to not eat up his clock. The take away. Not only do you need to know your own faction you need a basic understanding of all the others. Being able to play a clean game is really important and it helps when both players are able to speak to the rules and interactions of the models. 

Unfortunately I only walk away with 1 control point and 49 army points... uh...


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