
Game 26 - Kromac 2 vs Fyanna 2

Casual game against my friend Ralph. He was running Fyanna in Oracle's and I wanted to test out a Kromac 2 list in Devourer's host I came up with.  My list was:  Circle Orboros - Kromac 2 - dhost Theme: The Devourer's Host 2 / 2 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army Kromac, Champion of the Wurm - WB: +28 -    Warpwolf Stalker - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19) -    Ghetorix - PC: 21 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9) -    Gorax Rager - PC: 7 Tharn Ravager Shaman - PC: 0 Tharn Ravager Shaman - PC: 0 Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - PC: 4 Bloodweaver Night Witch - PC: 4 Bloodweaver Night Witch - PC: 4 Tharn Ravagers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 16 -    Tharn Ravager Chieftain - PC: 5 Tharn Ravagers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 16 -    Tharn Ravager Chieftain - PC: 5 Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - Leader & 1 Grunt: 2 His list was:  Legion of Everblight - Fyanna Theme: O...

Game 25 - Bradigus vs. Thagrosh 1 (SR)

Round 3 of our SR was into Ralph playing Legion. His pair was Thagrosh 1 in Primal Terrors and Abby 2 in Oracles, I believe. Scenario was Recon 2. Even though I wanted to drop the tharn to test that list, I went with Brad. What's one more game of smashing stuff with rocks? He decided to go with Thags 1 and said he wanted to get more practice with the new updates. Being a small semi-casual steam roller he had a couple proxies as you will see in the pictures.  The red skorne savage was a war spear chieftain and the blue cygnar Maddox is a feralgeist. My list again was: Circle Orboros - Bradley Bones Theme: The Bones of Orboros 3 / 3 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver - WB: +27 -    Wold Guardian - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16) -    Wold Guardian - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11) -    Woldwatcher - PC: 8 -    Woldwatcher - PC: 8 - ...

Game 23 - Bradigus vs. Old Witch 2

Round 2 I was paired into Dustin.  He brought a couple of witches to the tourney. Old Witch 1 in Jaws and Old Witch 2 in Wolves of Winter. I decided that Brad was the way to go and I really wanted to test him some more. Tharn would have a tough time with jaws If he dropped that. Plus trying to pacman thru tough models is a bad idea. My list for easy reference.  Circle Orboros - Bradley Bones Theme: The Bones of Orboros 3 / 3 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver - WB: +27 -    Wold Guardian - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16) -    Wold Guardian - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11) -    Woldwatcher - PC: 8 -    Woldwatcher - PC: 8 -    Woldwatcher - PC: 8 -    Wold Wight - PC: 5 -    Wold Wight - PC: 5 -    Woldwarden - PC: 14 Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 3 Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC:...

Game 23 - Bradigus vs. Issyria (SR)

Hello again, been awhile since my last report. I had taken a short break from circle for a bit to mess around with some mercs, playing Thexus, Magnus 2, and Ashlynn.  They are 3 amazing casters, but circle is my Faction. Love everything about it, so I'm back. Had a small local SR this past weekend. Going into the event a buddy of mine and I gave each other 4 casters to pick from for the tourney. Our own mini Champions style play I guess.  He gave me Morvhana 2, Mohsar, Tanith, and Kaya 1. I was planning to run Mohsar in Bones and wanted to try out Tanith in Dev Host. I have been having trouble building Tanith list I like so wanted to try something different with her. Well my buddy ended up not being able to go last minute and so I switched up for the Tourney. Ended up with Mohsar in Devour Host and then decided to see what the Bradigus hype was all about. I have rarely put either of these casters on the table so it was going to be a great learning experience. So lets get...

Game 22 - 25 Local Steamroller

We recently had a ""Championship" tournament at my local game store. Ended up with 24 players in total. This is actually the largest turnout at my store since I've been there playing. Possibly ever. We had some guys come down from the Nor Cal meta. They were seeking a bit of revenge after they hosted a 3 man team event and My team took first up there. Since I didn't take any pictures I thought I would just write a quick summary of each round. I ended up going 3-1 for the event. It was 5 rounds but round 5 was starting around 9pm. Their were 4 of us at x-1 and my opponent and I agreed to split the prize and take a draw for the final final round. My pairing for the event, after a week of back and forth, was Krueger 2/Baldur 2. Both in bones. Circle Orboros - Krueger 2 - Bones Theme: The Bones of Orboros 3 / 3 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army Krueger the Stormlord - WB: +27 -    Megalith - PC: 20 (Battlegroup Points Used: 20) -    Wol...

Game 20 - Una 2 vs. Feora 3 (Finals)

Well finals of our month long event are here. After working back to back 13 hour days I was a bit exhausted and made a few mistakes that were quite frustrating to me, but all in all it was a really great game and required alot of focus. Forgot to take pictures consistently.. oops.. My opponent for the finals was playing protectorate of menoth. His pair was Amon in crusaders might and Feora 3 in Guardians of the Temple. He brought these two casters because he rarely plays them and wanted to force himself to try other things. I had my pair of Una 2 and Krueger 1. My plan was to drop Krueger 1 because I was worried that if he dropped feora, tuna would have a rough time. Birds don't care for fire.. When I got there I thought I had left my druids at home (turns out they were there all along). I had to drop Una 2. He ended up dropping Feora 3 and realized he forgot Feora at home. He lived close and offered to go home and get it, but it was late and I told him to just proxy wit...

Game 19 - The Wanderer vs. Wurmwood

So I recently acquired some grymkin and wanted to take them for a spin. The Wanderer has my attention. I love his personal aesthetics and his cross roads ability is unique and intriguing. I've seen a few lists posted around with him running bump in the night, but I feel he has some potential with dark menagerie. Abusing starcrossed on defense 13/14 beasts seems good. Coming from circle I can attest to this first hand. Here is what I came up with. War Room Army Grymkin - Wanderer - DM Theme: Dark Menagerie 5 / 5 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army The Wanderer - WB: +28 -    Skin & Moans - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15) -    Skin & Moans - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13) -    Cage Rager - PC: 14 -    Cage Rager - PC: 14 -    Frightmare - PC: 9 -    Frightmare - PC: 9 -    Crabbit (Dark Menagerie) - PC: 0 -    Crabbit (Dark ...