So I recently acquired some grymkin and wanted to take them for a spin.
The Wanderer has my attention. I love his personal aesthetics and his cross roads ability is unique and intriguing.
I've seen a few lists posted around with him running bump in the night, but I feel he has some potential with dark menagerie. Abusing starcrossed on defense 13/14 beasts seems good. Coming from circle I can attest to this first hand.
Here is what I came up with.
War Room Army
Grymkin - Wanderer - DM
Theme: Dark Menagerie
5 / 5 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
The Wanderer - WB: +28
- Skin & Moans - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15)
- Skin & Moans - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)
- Cage Rager - PC: 14
- Cage Rager - PC: 14
- Frightmare - PC: 9
- Frightmare - PC: 9
- Crabbit (Dark Menagerie) - PC: 0
- Crabbit (Dark Menagerie) - PC: 0
Death Knell - PC: 13
Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0
Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0
Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0
Gremlin Swarm - PC: 3
Lady Karianna Rose - PC: 4
Dread Rots - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7
THEME: Dark Menagerie
Couple things I want to consider after a few test games.
1. Whether or not I need the second cage rager? Can it be a couple gorehounds instead?
2. The Wanderer wants to play forwad to utilize his amazing gun (lantern) and to spread starcrossed. I feel like I may need to squeeze a another crabbit or two in there for safety.
Those are the first few things that come to mind after my initial game. We will see if more come down the line.
My opponent wanted to practice his wurmwood list. Sure why not.. :/
His list:
Wurmwood - The wild Hunt
-woldwyrd 3x
Reeves w/ ua
Gallows grove
2 war wolves
Double shifting stones
Min wolves of orboros w/ua (ambush)
Scenario was Breakdown.
I won the roll and chose the side with no rough terrain. This did give him the forest to hide in but I really didn't wanna deal with moving thru the rubble.
I had to use a few proxies for this game. The frightmares are proxied by gorehounds, lady rose by eilish, the gremlins swarms were tharn ravagers, and the huge base was the death knell...
The arcana I chose were Divergent Path, Ruin and Sacrifice.
Turn 1 - Wurmood
Run. Everything runs. Stones port the tree up. Cassius comes up aggressively.
Turn 1 - Wanderer
Run run run... I form a bunker shielding wanderer from his woldshrimp. He puts up starcrossed and a veil of mists on the left side to help screen from the reeves and wyrd over there.
I notice cassius creeping in the forest so I take a shot at him with a frightmare and hit, doing 6 damage and continuous corrosion. I had to cast see in the dark..
Turn 2 - Wurmwood
One of the woldwyrds flanks wide and shoots down my frightmare no problem. Reeves kill off a couple dread rots. Pure blood shoots some more, clipping the skin and moans and cage rager doing minimal damage, but killing a gremlin swarm. He charges his war wolf up skills a dread rot. Then hellmouths it in the back killing another dread and the two gremlins swarms. He feats to shield his army.
Turn 2 - Wanderer
I check his feat and determine I can get skin and moans onto his pureblood and a cage rager into his feral. Problem is it will require veil of mists to give pathfinder to him. The Wanderer moves to The marker on the right. The death knell was loaded up on corpses and so hands off a couple to skin and moans. Rose enrages him. Wanderer activates and shoots the pureblood, puts down a veil, casts starcrossed and his free dodge.
The skin and moans casts lurker and charges the pureblood. Kills him easily and manages to hit the feral as well. The cage rager tramples up and leaves the feral on 7 boxes. I realize now that I think I could have placed the veil better allowing the cage rager to charge. Everything else moves around to try and block Los to the wanderer and I position my crabbits near him. Gremlins swarm runs to the
far edge of the left circle zone to contest.
Wanderers tokens go out. One behind the house and the other in the trench. I still have all three arcana.
I score the right zone.
1-0 Grymkin
Turn 3 - Wurmwood
Wolves ambush into the right. Charge and kill the lone dread rot.
The assassination chance is to tempting and he decides to go for it. He spends some time trying to figure out how to navigate diverengt path/ruin in is plan. Depending how it playa out he can get 2-3 wyrds in range. But I have a token in the trench. If I go there then def 19 starcrossed are not good odds.
I'm trying to remember the order thing but I think I'm missing something.
He starts by hitting rose with a hellmouth killing her but pulling the crabbit over top of the trench marker. I beleive the wyrd kills the crabbit and missed its first shot because of the trench. Wanderer takes the 1 fury.
Second wyrd comes in. (After we realize his is out of control range) First shot hits the wanderer I transfer to the cage rager. Second shot misses and I dodge behind the building out of los.
Feral flails at the skin and moans doing minimal damage.
Score 1-0 Grymkin
Turn 3 - Wanderer
Wurmwood is in range of skin and moans and on 0 camp. If I can pass some fury checks and eliminate the feral. Wanderer starts on the forward marker. I pull 4 from the skin and moans, 2 from the cage rager. This is where I learn how low the threshold is for grymkin...
The skin and moans right behind the wanderer fails and hits him in the back for 8 . Oops!
Everyone else passes their checks.
Cage rager boosts 2 hits into the feral and kills him.
Wanderer beacons the tree. Skin and moans does his thing.
Post thoughts..
I love this caster. He has so many options especially when combined with the arcana system. The fury was a little rough but I did loose all my fury management. I will need to test that out further.
I'm a little worried about the list when I have to spread out. Can I contest on larger scenarios. Can I spread wide enough? Is one unit of dreads enough?
The death knell as a support piece was more helpful than I originally thought. Having arm 21 skin and moans is amazing!
All in all I liked the list and the faction. Look forward to getting more games in with them.
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