Game 18 - Una 2 vs. Doomy 3
*note - not sure what happened to the original post. I am going to do a rewrite but more of a summary then full details.*
Round 3 of our month long steamroller event. I am paired up against another troll player.
His pair was doomy 3 in power if dhunia and grissel 2 in band of heroes.
I decided to drop una 2 and utilize the gallows grove and nightwitches to deal with tough and doomy 3's feat of he sent that way. He did indeed drop doomy 3.
The scenario was breakdown.
He won the roll but opted for sides. I was happy about this decision because I like to go first with this list and terrain doesn't slow me down.
I deployed centrally and was going to have trackers oposite the death wolves to score the zones but he deployed his mountain king on the side they were going to go. So instead the trackers counter deploy and put prey on the mauler.
Doomy deploys basically in the center with the king off to one side.
His list was:
Doomy 3 - Power of Dhunia
-Mountain King
Dhunia Knot
Turn 1 - Una
Press forward. Hand of fate on the trackers, mirage on the ravagers. Trackers run and fill the right zone. Everything else moves straight up the board with one nightwitch heading off into the left zone.
Turn 1 - Doomy
He has a little trouble unpacking his list and the king is semi blocked by mulg and the bouncer. He can't get as far up the table as he would like. He holds his brick formation with doomy and the mauler in the trench.
Turn 2 - Una
He is outside of ravager charge range so I just run them forward with 3 going deep to engage the bouncer, mulg, and doomy himself. The trackers take a few shots at the mauler and jannissa. I fail to do any damage to her but put did about 7 to the mauler.
I run the bellows crew over to the left zone. Lanyssa ice bolts the chronicler in the zone. Griffons position for the counter punch.
Turn 2 - Doomy
Doomy tries to repudiate mirage off of the ravagers and fails. He feats this turn and rages Mulg. Mulg kills off a couple ravagers and the bouncer kills the other. Mountain king moves up and sprays down the chieftain and puts some damage on a Griffon taking out the spirit. Lanyssa walks up and puts out winter storm. Jannissa and the mauler kill a couple trackers. He is unable to contest the left zone so I score 1.
Score 1-0 Circle.
Turn 3 - Una 2
I use the ravagers to kill lanyssa removing winter storm. Gorax primals a Griffon. Una puts hof and primal on another Griffon. She shoots down a krielstone grunt. Nightwitch hits the mauler to proc grevious wounds. Primaled Griffon flies in and fails to do damage. The second Griffon with hof and primal kills the mauler and sprints to engage mulg and mountain king. Trackers prey moves to Jannissa anx in succession kill her, the runebearer and some krielstone grunts. Without great landing spots I decide to just fly the injured Griffon in to jam the bouncer and the Mountain king. I control all 3 zones and pass turn.
Score 4-0 Circle
Turn 3 - Doomy 3
After analyzing board state there isnt much he can do to prevent my scenario victory. He kills a couple griffons and the ravagers, but will not be able to get anything substantial into the zones to contest. He moves his bouncer into the left zone and passes back.
Circle win 6-0 scenario.
Letting me go first and messing up his unpack allowed me to jam him out of the zones. Wonder if adding the axer for rush would help with the rough terrain and getting up the board.
On to the finals. Either going to be trolls again or protectorate of menoth...
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