Game 22 - 25 Local Steamroller
We recently had a ""Championship" tournament at my local game store. Ended up with 24 players in total.
This is actually the largest turnout at my store since I've been there playing. Possibly ever.
We had some guys come down from the Nor Cal meta. They were seeking a bit of revenge after they hosted a 3 man team event and My team took first up there.
Since I didn't take any pictures I thought I would just write a quick summary of each round.
I ended up going 3-1 for the event. It was 5 rounds but round 5 was starting around 9pm. Their were 4 of us at x-1 and my opponent and I agreed to split the prize and take a draw for the final final round.
My pairing for the event, after a week of back and forth, was Krueger 2/Baldur 2. Both in bones.
Circle Orboros - Krueger 2 - Bones
Theme: The Bones of Orboros
3 / 3 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
Krueger the Stormlord - WB: +27
- Megalith - PC: 20 (Battlegroup Points Used: 20)
- Woldwarden - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
- Woldwarden - PC: 14
- Woldwyrd - PC: 9
- Woldwyrd - PC: 9
Celestial Fulcrum - PC: 19
Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 0
Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 0
Blackclad Wayfarer - PC: 0
Bog Trog Mist Speaker - PC: 4
Shifting Stones - Leader & 2 Grunts: 3
Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Circle Orboros - Baldur 2
Theme: The Bones of Orboros
3 / 3 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
Baldur the Stonesoul - WB: +30
- Megalith - PC: 20
- Woldwrath - PC: 37 (Battlegroup Points Used: 30)
- Woldwyrd - PC: 9
- Woldwyrd - PC: 9
- Wold Guardian - PC: 16
Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 0
Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 0
Blackclad Wayfarer - PC: 0
Swamp Gobber Chef - PC: 1
Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Shifting Stones - Leader & 2 Grunts: 3
Round 1 was breakdown. It was against "Scott the Skorne Player" on Breakdown. Scott was playing Dominar Rasheth in The Exalted theme paired with Mordikaar and 7 archidons.
I decided to drop Baldur 2 because I thought he would have trouble dealing with wrath and have a harder time assassinating Baldur than Krueger if he dropped the archidons.
He dropped Rasheth. His list was 2 immortal boats, gladiator, 2 archidon, beast handlers, and solos.
Scott won the roll and choose to go first. There was a rather large building centered on one side which was going to be a problem for me to move wrath around. On the same side there were small forests on the edge if the circle zones I thought would be perfect for my sentry stones to sit in while mannikins do their thing. So I took that side.
My plan was to pick a side of the building and deploy heavily that way. Then spin the table and march across the middle while using sentry stones and solos to contest the far circle zone.
Part of my plan worked well. I dominated the left side of the table and started moving around the building to take the middle and start pressuring the other zone. But Scott was able to eliminate my contesting pieces quicker than I thought.
As the game progressed I was unable to contest his zone and he was contesting mine each turn. I was slowly loosing the scenario game but attrition was in my favor. By turn 6 he only had a few immortals left and an archidon but was up 7-4 on scenario. I still had the guardian, wrath, a sentry stone unit and a woldwyrd. But I ended up clocking myself. Scott had about 2 and a half min left on his own. It was a great game and had I been less rusty with Baldur(haven't played him in months) the game was definently in my favor.
Round 2 - The Pit 2
Paired against a local player Ralph. He brought Kolgrima in Power of Dhunia paired with Maddy 1 in Band of Heroes.
I dropped Baldur because champs cannot kill the wrath. He dropped Kolgrima. His list was mountain king, mulg, mauler, axer, stone. Solos were lanyssa, janissa, and I think a scribe...
There was another house in the center of the table.
He picked sides and I got to go first. I deployed heavily to the left so I could take his zone with the objective. I left the wyrds center and a sentry stone unit on the far right.
The plan was similar to the last one because of the house and a central scenario.
He counter deployed and stacked the side opposite of my battlegroup.
I ran everything up. He decided to advance and feat bottom of one to push me back and stop my shooting. This allowed him to advance farther up. He put up a cloud wall in front of his battle group and ran a few solos to the opposite side to be in position to contest the right zone.
Mountain king happened to be exactly 10" from Woldwrath. Mulg and the mauler were right next to him. I gave wrath earth's power and charged the king. The plan was to use that to get in range and kill mulg. Hoping that I could flank hard right to take out the support with wyrds and mannikins. And either assassinate Kolgrima or force scenario.
Wrath's charge attack spiked for 15 damage on the king. I decided then to take the gamble and put the rest of my attacks into the king killing him with a fury to spare. I used the last attack to punch mulg and knock down the mauler and axer as well.
I killed off the solos he was sending over to contest my zone with charging mannikins.
His retaliation failed to kill wrath. And he had nothing to contest my zone. I went to 1 cp.
Top of 3 I cleared all three zones and kill his objective scoring 4 and ending the game 5-0 on cp.
Round 3 - Standoff
Paired against Bret playing cryx. His pair was Lych 2 in dark host and I do not remember his other list...
For this round I dropped Krueger 2. I didn't have a plan going into this match because I haven't had the chance to play against dark host yet. We haven't had a local cryx player for some time.
His list was basically a unit each of warriors, riders, and knights. The battle engine, 2 stalkers, darragh and basic support solos.
I lost the roll again and he chose to go first.
He ran everything up and made a cloud wall to my right shielding his bane warriors. The riders and knights came up the left side with the wraith engine leading the pack.
I was able to tk the BE around with a warden. Fulcrum killed a stalker and lit the other on fire.
His turn the warriors ran into the right zone along with a machine wraith touching the edge.
He ran an arc node up and put parasite on my warden. The BE came up to proc dark shroud on the same warden. Then the remaining stalker came in and left it on a couple boxes.
I countered by using megalith to kill the battle engine. I killed off the stalker as well. The battle engine and sentry stone on the right killed all but one bane warrior and the machine wraith.
Krueger feated this turn to slow the riders and knights to allow for more shooting.
Gaspy came up and feated raising 8 bane warriors whp then killed my battle engine. A charging rider killed my crippled warden. The rest moved into position as best they could with the negative speed buff.
I had spent alot of time on my clock and was below 30 min already. I though I could continue to shoot down the remaining banes but was going to run short on time.. so I saw a chance for an assassination and decided to take it.
Mist speaker gave Krueger eyeless sight. He flew over the house and tk'd lich into the edge of the cloud. Then put some shots into him. A mannikin hit him with a spray and did more. Lich had only been camping 1. I used a warden to tk my wyrd closer who finished off the job.
Round 4 - Recon 2
Paired against Sam playing retribution.
His pair was Issryia with double strike force and
Vyros2 in Forges of war.
His list was something like imperitus, manticore, 4-5 griffons. Arcanists, mechanic unit and a min unit of cylena and nyss. He also had the force barrier solo and Sylus. Sorry I'm not sure on all the names.
I choose Krueger cause windstorm can be a pain for strike force. Plus I had a mist speaker to remove blind. Krueger also does well into Vyros.
He dropped Vyros.
He won the roll and decided to pick sides.
I ran everything up. Then he moved up carefully measuring my threat ranges. Taking into account for TK and Hunters Mark. He had to move some griffons into my threats to have a scenario presence.
I was able to kill 2 griffons and feat to push everything back to the edges of the zones. Leaving one warden out in threat ranges. I spaced and forgot to put a solo on my flag 😑..
With the negative speed and windstorm up he couldn't do much so he jammed some nyss at my wyrd and warden on the left. Set down some covering fire in the center and contested both zones. Imperitus moved up centrally and vyros feated catching all of his models. He scored 1.
I was able to crit stationary imperitus with the fulcrum and send megs in to kill him. I tried to clear out the jamming models without doing to much to allow him to move from his feat. Ran a solo to my flag and we both score.
He has to put up synergy at this point and kills megs and almost kills one of my wardens with the manticore. He does remove my sentry stone and engages my wyrd on the left. The right wyrd is nearly destroyed by the Griffon over there.
Vyros had to come forward to help kill megalith and he forgot to repo him back.
This was my chance to kill vyros. Krueger flew over to engage the manticore. Tk'd it to disengage the wyrd. He then shot vyros 3 times with his gun
Doing no damage but removing his last focus.
Warden landed the tk and flipped him around. Fulcrum went next trying for the crit stationary. Failed to crit, failed to do dmg. Missed with the fire attack.. Hit with the electrical and spiked for ten. Wyrd then proceeded to one shot the rest of his life at 4 dice damage.
Final round was starting late and my opponent and I decided to roll off to see if we played the last round. Ended up not playing and split the winnings.
Scott the Skorne player took first for the event.
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