Game 15 - Krueger 1 vs Doomy 3
Got a game in today. Semi casual. Both if us were trying new things. Krueger 1 vs Doomy 3. Scenario was spread the net.
My list:
Krueger 1 - Secret Masters
-feral warpwolf
Celestial Fulcrum
Druids with overseer
Wrong eye and snapjaw
Gobbers bellows crew
Adams list:
Doomy 3 - power of Dhunia
-mountain king
Dhunia knot
Krielstone with elder
2x northkin shamans
(Doomys scroll bearer was proxied by wrongeye)
I won the roll and chose sides.
Terrain was really heavy on both sides so I chose the side with the house to give Krueger a place to hide and the zone would be easier to defend.
Adam when first and ran.
Feral and snapjaw had to move towards the opening in the rough terrain. The druids deciding they were going to be useless in this matchup because of implacibility, run hard left to flank.
Adam pushes into the central zone and creates a beast wall in the middle. Doomy feats this turn. The rest of his support just fills in behind. He leaves admonition off because of wyrds.
Knowing I can't kill any of his heavies this turn I go for his support. Highest on my target priority list was the shamans. Druids start by knocking down both the earthborn, mulg and 1 shaman in proximity of mulg. The rest of the druids try and knockdown or windstrike the shaman in the back hiding in the forest. The left wyrd finishes off the shaman and takes a shot at the krielstone but he toughs. Fulcrum moves up and shoots down the other shaman. I attempt a crit freeze on mulg but don't get it. Snapjaw moves up to screen the fulcrum and feral behind him. The pureblood charges the earthborn and sprays down some krielstone. The other wyrd shoots down 2/3 of dhunia knot. Krueger moves left and for lack of better options decides to hit mulg with a tornado. I roll a 6 for distance and it throws him into a krielstone grunt. Wrong eye puts up starcrossed. No points are scored. Apparently neither of us were playing scenario.
Mulg gets rush and rage. He charges snapjaw killing him with ease. Taking a druid down with him. Adams plan was to have the mountain king move forward and kill my feral and a wyrd but didn't see the other druid in front of he was only able to get to the feral. With starcrossed up he missed a few attacks and left the feral alive. The earthborn attempted to kill the pureblood but missed some attacks as well and couldn't get the job done.
I saw the opportunity to gun down doomy so that was the way I went. He forgot to put up implacability again and was only camping 1. The druids knocked him down along with the bouncer. Both wyrds took some shots and leaving him on 2. Fulcrum then finished the job.
After thoughts:
This lis was fun. It was great to have druids on the table again. I miss them so much from mk2.
Going into the match I was pretty sure I had no way of winning outside of assassination. If Adam had been more familiar with his warlock I'm sure things would have played a but differently. The synergy between the fulcrum, wyrds, and druids is really nice. Magic ability 7 is great for them.
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