Game 10 - Krueger 2 vs. Vyros 2 (steamroller)
Round 4 finals of the steamroller. I'm paired against Danny. He is running hyperion and helios with support in both lists. Only real difference is the caster. One is lead by vyros 2 and the other is Assyria. I'm list locked into krueger 2 and he drops vyros 2. His list I believe is: vyros 2 (Theme for free solos) -4 griffons -helios -hyperion arcanists and support. Sylas is in there as well. As a recap my list was: Krueger 2 -Loki -Megalith -Feral -Woldwyrd x2 Ogrun Bokur Lanyssa Shifting x2 Sentry x2 Gallows grove The scenario is recon. Most of the terrain is on the edges of the table except for 2 trenches right in the middle of the zone. I win the roll again and decide to go first. The table is actually pretty balanced and doesn't come into play much(unlike all of the previous tables... lol) Danny chooses the side with the hill for vyros to sit on. I deploy with krueger central and the rest of my army is balanced around him. I have my stones spread thr...