
Showing posts from April, 2017

Game 10 - Krueger 2 vs. Vyros 2 (steamroller)

Round 4 finals of the steamroller. I'm paired against Danny. He is running hyperion and helios with support in both lists. Only real difference is the caster. One is lead by vyros 2 and the other is Assyria.  I'm list locked into krueger 2 and he drops vyros 2. His list I believe is: vyros 2 (Theme for free solos) -4 griffons -helios -hyperion arcanists and support. Sylas is in there as well. As a recap my list was: Krueger 2 -Loki -Megalith -Feral -Woldwyrd x2 Ogrun Bokur Lanyssa Shifting x2 Sentry x2 Gallows grove The scenario is recon. Most of the terrain is on the edges of the table except for 2 trenches right in the middle of the zone. I win the roll again and decide to go first. The table is actually pretty balanced and doesn't come into play much(unlike all of the previous tables... lol) Danny chooses the side with the hill for vyros to sit on. I deploy with krueger central and the rest of my army is balanced around him. I have my stones spread thr...

Game 9 - Baldur 2 vs Lord Carver (steamroller)

Round 3 there were 4 of us left that were 2-0. It was danny, john, Matt, and myself. John and Danny were paired and that left Matt and I. Game 9 - Baldur 2 vs Lord Carver Matt was one listing the even and this was his list: War Room Army Minions - Matt - farrow Theme: The Thornfall Alliance 3 / 3 Free Cards     75 / 75 Army Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq. III - WB: +28 -    Battle Boar - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7) -    Battle Boar - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7) -    Razor Boar - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7) -    Razor Boar -    Road Hog - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7) Meat Thresher - PC: 19 Efaarit Scouts - PC: 0 Efaarit Scouts - PC: 0 Farrow Bone Grinders - Leader & 5 Grunts: 8 Farrow Brigands - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15 -    Farrow Brigand Warlord - PC: 4 Farrow Commandos - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15 Farrow Razorback Crew - Gunner &...

Game 8 - Baldur 2 vs. Kromac 2 (Steamroller)

I know I know. Stop playing Baldur 2. Well I keep winning.. soo... Game two of the tourney I get paired up against adam yet again. Looking at his sheet before the match I was pretty sure we were going to play this round. Our current score differed by 10 army points. Game 8 - Baldur 2 vs Kromac 2 The scenario was incursion. This was one of the interesting tables. The left flag was in a trench. The center flag in a forest. And the right flag in water. There was also a forest pretty close to the trench flag and close enough that wurmwood could easily build a Fort there connecting it too the center forest. I thought Adam was going to go for that so i dropped baldur but he dropped kromac 2. I won the roll and opted to go first, surprised? I love going first with this list. I really need to get up the table.  Adam chose sides and I deployed to the central/left wanting to take advantage of the trench and forest shields. Going into the match it looked like sentry stones and Manni...

Game 7 - Baldur 2 vs Markus "Siege" (Steamroller)

These next few bat reps are going to be a little brief. Mainly because I forgot to take pictures and have been running on little to no sleep lately. Advice: don't have twins. Last Saturday we had another 75 point steamroller at Crazy Squirrel Game Store. The community is on the rise and we had 14 players show up. Thankyou again Justin for volunteering to run the event. It was well done even tho I complained a bit about some of the terrain I did enjoy the challenge it brought to the table. There were a few tables where the terrain made the game extremely difficult and some (the finals table **wink wink) where it barely affected the game at all. All in all it was a great event and am looking forward to the next one. One thing I will note is that we had a large number of new players. Some of my observations may come across harsh but they are in no way a stab at the person. They are just observations to help either myself or my opponent next time we play. This was a tournament and...